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Recipe: Our Simple Dairy Free Bread

I found a recipe for non dairy bread on a Japanese website somewhere and had been using a variation of it. The original used shortening.

For a 1lb-er bread:

  1. 225g bread flour

  2. 25g all purpose flour

  3. <25g sugar

  4. <3g salt

  5. 1 tsp instant yeast

  6. 25g shortening or butter or whatever alternative fat

  7. 150g water

Toss everything in a bread machine, or you can go old school and do it by hand. If you want to follow the famous Paul Hollywood, make sure to put to place the yeast away from the salt XD.

I’ve been using Earth’s Balance Butter Sticks, or sometimes use shortening, or mix it, or use Blue Bonnet (I don’t have any opinions on this but Biscuit gets it at school and she likes it. She hates butter. I don’t even know, haha). Yes–Blue Bonnet, the half-margarine half-butter product. It’s our tiny step to make sure Muffin gets some exposure to dairy. She has eaten some dairy goods before and has been ok so our allergist said to not stop exposing her to it. Sometimes I sprinkle some ground flax seed to add some extra nutrition.

You probably can use oils but the amount you use won’t be the same. 

Like my other foods that I feed the baby, I still keep sugar and salt as little as I can. The original recipe called for 25g sugar and almost 4g of salt but it felt a lot to me so I’ve been using a little less than that. But yeast do need sugar to get going so don’t skimp toooo much. 

Again, I have to bring a few stuff to the daycare so I made a little bread bag. It’s redacted in the photo but it has her name embroidered. The smiley bread embroidery was totally a whim but I’m pretty proud about it. The main fabric? Uhhh…it’s one of the table napkins we have excess of. It’s cotton, it’s cute, and it worked well so hey! All is good.

Muffin literally cannot get enough of this bread. If I put the whole loaf in front of her for breakfast, I’m sure she’d be happy as a clam but…I will probably win the worst mother award, so…I won’t.

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